Kanye West has 'Sunday Service' at New Birth Church

Kanye West came to New Birth Missionary Baptist Church on Sunday morning to perform an edition of his popup "Sunday Service" series.

Hundreds of people lined up outside of New Birth Sunday morning before doors opened. 

Kanye's wife, reality star Kim Kardashian, appeared on the View on Friday and spoke about why her husband started the Sunday Services series:

"Kanye started this, I think, just to heal himself," Kim revealed. "It was a real personal thing, and it was just friends and family, and he has had an amazing evolution of being born again and being saved by Christ. People always ask, 'Well, what are you worshiping?' Or, 'What is this?' It is a Christian service, like a musical ministry. They talk about Jesus and God."

Before coming to Atlanta Kanye's "Sunday Service" has made appearance's in several other cities including his hometown Chicago and Dayton, Ohio.
