Good Day Atlanta viewer information August 28, 2017

Legendary Costume Shop Prepares for Dragon Con: It’s the second-busiest time of the year for one of Atlanta’s top costume shops, which means staffers are stocking up to make sure Jedis, Spidermen, and Dragon Slayers have everything they need for Dragon Con.
Costumes, Etc… first opened back in 1990, and is currently located in a 17,000 square foot shop just off of Cheshire Bridge Road in Atlanta. After Halloween, managers say Dragon Con weekend is their most active time of the year, with science fiction and fantasy fans putting together “cosplay” (costume play) looks for the massive Atlanta convention. Dragon Con organizers expect more than 80,000 people to attend this year’s four-day event (from September 1st through the 4th), many of whom will be dressed up as popular characters from sci-fi and fantasy movies, television shows, and comic books. To help those fans, Costumes, Etc… offers up a dizzying array of costumes, wigs, accessories, and professional makeup supplies.
Good Day Atlanta’s Paul Milliken spent the morning at Costumes, Etc… doing a little shopping for his own Dragon Con look, and learning more about how the shop helps people recreate some of the most iconic looks in pop culture.
Actor and comedian Hal Sparks joins us to talk about the "Concert For America,"to raise money for human rights organizations. For more information click here.