APPLING, Ga. (AP) - A 4-year-old girl has drowned in a Georgia lake while celebrating her birthday.
Columbia County Deputy Coroner Bonnie King tells local media Evelynn Hoskins was at Wildwood Park in Appling with her parents, siblings and friends Saturday afternoon. The child was wearing a lifejacket but took it off to eat.
Shortly after 5 p.m., the girl's parents realized Evelynn was missing and hadn't been seen for about 15 minutes. Party guests and bystanders began searching and someone called 911.
About an hour later, one searcher found Evelynn's body in Thurmond Lake. Attempts to revive her with CPR failed. She was taken to Doctors Hospital and later pronounced dead.
King says the body will be sent to Atlanta for an autopsy. The Columbia County Sheriff's Office will investigate per standard procedure.