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DALLAS - A 7-year-old who beat cancer was given the chance to suit up and fight crime.
Aidan Wallace has regained his strength and energy after defeating cancer so Make-A-Wish of North Texas wanted to give him a day of real-life make believe.
His city was overrun with “villains” and Super Aidan knew exactly what to do.
Super Aidan rode in a fire truck and put out a burning airplane at the DFW Airport Fire Training Center. It was all a “ploy” by the bad guys who took his doctor hostage from Cook Children's Medical Center.
Aidan’s mother, Leslie Ann Wallace told Fox 4, “Seeing him have his strength and energy back, this is a wonderful day. He is truly a hero. He's strong enough to be one.”
The day started when a pirate attacked the school library. But it didn’t stop there: Super Aidan defeated another villain at a GameStop who was trying to ruin holiday gifts for kids.
Everywhere he went, those he saved (and fought) gave 100% to make sure it would be a day he would never forget.