Advocacy groups push for clear citizenship path for undocumented individuals

Recent polls show illegal immigration remains a top concern for Americans this election year. 

Immigration advocacy groups are urging the Biden administration to create a clear pathway to citizenship for the undocumented. 

"There's a lot of misconceptions. It's not a simple path," immigration advocate Briseyda Nery told FOX 5 Atlanta. "It's very complex." 

Coalition members are calling on President Biden to make it easier for the millions of undocumented residents who've lived in the U.S. for several years, to remain in this country legally. 

The growing call for action comes as Democratic lawmakers also urge the president to provide relief for undocumented caregivers, spouses and other long-time residents. 

"We have over 1 million Latino immigrants that call Georgia home," said Latin American Association CEO Santiago Marquez, "contributing to our workforce and communities. Unfortunately, the current congressional stalemate to enact immigration reform is negatively impacting Georgia's immigrants, and those who rely on them." 

The group said  federal officials could better address the crisis by expanding programs  like Parole in Place, which allows a foreign national who entered the U.S. illegally  to stay for a certain period of time, and  the  Temporary  Protected Status program, which allows asylum seekers whose home countries are considered unsafe, to live and work in the United States. 

"I think people are starting to become aware of the situation or the issue that separating American families is not ideal, we need to protect individuals," explained Regional Government Relations Director Jaime Rangel.