Alabama family has unique Christmas card photo shoot

There was no waffling when it came time for one Alabama family to decide where to take their Christmas card photos. It had to be a place they all enjoyed, a place the couple would go on dates, and had to be the first taste of Americana for their adopted daughter. So, they had to take their photos at the Waffle House.

Zack and Malinda Nichols told WBRC they would not settle for the cliché ambiance of trees and nature, they said it just not who they are. So, they went for something that better suited their family in everyday life.

So, the Nichols dressed in their Sunday best and met photographer Jake Marvin at the Helena Waffle House. The results were sweeter than the syrup they poured on their waffles.

“Some of our family’s favorite moments have been marked at this beloved American institution. This great equalizer. It was one of Dhanya’s first tastes of America and was my last meal before we went to the hospital to have Evie,” Malinda told WBRC. “We’ve eaten here on date nights when we just wanted to wear sweatpants and watch a movie, have had great and meaningful conversations with our best friends, drove straight here from the airport after a long trips abroad, hit it up after football games, sought it out on road trips...or like most people, just end up here when we want comfort food!”

Whoever is on the Nichols' Christmas card list will have the family covered, smothered, scattered, and topped!

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