ATLANTA - People working toward recovery through Alcoholics Anonymous are also adjusting their typical meeting procedures, due to the coronavirus outbreak.
Officials say many groups are conducting digital meetings and hotlines are open for people who need help outside set meeting times.
“A.A. in the digital age has certainly taken on a new meaning in these challenging times and we are being reminded more and more that A.A. is not ‘a place,’” wrote the General Service of Alcoholics Anonymous U.S./Canada, that functions as a repository for A.A. members and groups who are looking for the shared experience of the fellowship.
As for those still meeting in person, members are practicing proper social distancing.
For the most up to date meeting information, please visit A.A. Near You for local A.A. resources:
Anyone who may be seeking help with a drinking problem may visit for information about A.A.
For information for the A.A. Online Intergroup visit: