Allahnia Lenoir: Family marks a year since Midtown woman's disappearance

It has now been one year since Allahnia Lenoir went missing. She was last seen at a Midtown Atlanta apartment complex.

Lenoir’s mom says all this time later, she still does not have answers and she will not rest until she is found. 

"We love her, and we miss her," said Jannette Jackson, Lenoir’s mom. "There’s nothing that we wouldn’t do to change this circumstance."

Allahnia Lenoir

Allahnia Lenoir  (Supp;lied)

July marks a year since her 24-year-old daughter, Lenoir, was last seen at a Midtown Atlanta apartment complex. Jackson says every day for the last 12 months has been painful.

"Every day is a challenge," she said. "So, one year, one day, a month for a parent, it all runs together."

Steven Oboite and Diante Reynolds

Steven Oboite and Diante Reynolds  (Fulton County Sheriff's Office)

Atlanta Police say Steven Oboite and Diante Reynolds face a number of charges including felony murder. Reynolds is locked up at the Fulton County Jail without bond, but Oboite is still on the run. Jackson hopes someone, somewhere will help bring him in. 

"It is very important to get him in custody so that he can tell me where my daughter is, and he could just accept accountability," Jackson said.

Nicholas Hendrickson

Nicholas Hendrickson (Fulton County Sheriff's Office)

Police have also charged a third suspect, Nicholas Hendrickson, with helping them dispose of Lenior’s body. Jackson says a large support system has helped her get through as a FOX 5 camera captured in February outside the courthouse.

A year in which Jackson hopes for some closure and answers, but not only that she is on a mission to protect others from being victims themselves.

"The community needs to get together and say, we’re not going to keep allowing this to happen to people at all," she said.

Allahnia Lenoir's family marks one year since she disappeared.

Allahnia Lenoir's family marks one year since she disappeared. (FOX 5)

With Oboite still on the run, the family has offered a $15,000 reward for information that leads to an arrest. If you know anything, call Crime Stoppers.

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