Archie Eversole remembered for bringing spirit to Atlanta with 'We Ready' theme

For Atlanta rapper Archie Eversole, "We Ready" was more than just a song, it was a way of life.

"Archie, I've never seen him low energy. He was just always a ball of energy," said Mz. Shyneka form Streetz 94.5.

Mz. Shyneka said she met Eversole at a friend's cookout more than 15 years ago.

"We were having a good time and I was like, 'Yo, he is so silly.' He was just a really fun, loving person," she recalled.

Eversole passed away earlier this month after police said his brother shot him March 25. Many in the Atlanta community have expressed shock over his sudden loss.

"I'm really, honestly at a loss of words. I am trying to take this in because this is such a major loss," said Mz. Shyneka. 

Eversole released "We Ready" in 2002 and it quickly became a ubiquitous anthem for athletes at every level.

"I don't know if that song ever has a shelf life. You know, it does bring goosebumps," said Bem Joiner, co-founder of Atlanta Influences Everything.

Years later, the song became even more popular after Atlanta United partnered with Eversole and adopted it as their own.

"You rarely get another chance and he knew that that's what that was," said Joiner. "He knew it was a special opportunity and he went for it." 

Joiner said working with Atlanta United helped Eversole expand his fan base and his outlook. 

"Using his brand and his music to unite people however that could happen was something that Atlanta United helped shift his focus toward," said Joiner. 

Friends said Eversole and his music will always be remembered. 

"If we officially had an Atlanta Hall of Fame, he would definitely be in it," said Mz. Shyneka. 

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