Preemie named after Atlanta Braves 'slides home' after 200 days in NICU

Any parent will tell you bringing a new baby home from the hospital is an energy shift, but you could say Riley Crew came out of left field.

Six months ago, the Oconee County baby was born prematurely, but the family credits Oconee County Sheriff's deputies with keeping him alive. This month, his parents are elated to see him home from the hospital.

It all started when Danielle Smith hit the 26-week mark of her pregnancy and started feeling discomfort.

After a few days, doctors told her she should take it easy.

"I went from the boring patient to the dramatic one real fast," she said.

They advised she might notice slight bleeding for a week. But since Smith had given birth to twins before, she didn't think much of the symptoms.

Then, the pain escalated.

"From 1-10 it was 10,000. It was awful," she said.

Her mother insisted she come over despite Smith's wishes, and she arrived just in time because the baby arrived without warning.

"His dad, Alex, walked in from work and saw me and the baby on the bed," Smith said.

She delivered the baby herself. Her mother had already called 911, so within eight minutes of giving birth, Oconee Sheriff's deputies had arrived. Deputy Robert Perrin and Sergeant Daniel Ellis helped get the one-pound baby the medical care he needed.

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Riley Maddux Crew (Photo submitted by family)

Smith credits their quick action with the boy's health, even though he spent more than 200 days in the NICU.

Riley Maddux Crew – named after Braves players, Austin and Greg – came 14 weeks early.

Riley Maddux Crew (Photo submitted by family)

But this month, with the very deputies who helped save him, the family brought Riley "on home."

Now, Riley breathes with the help of a ventilator. He's healthy considering the circumstances, but his lungs weren't fully developed when he was born.

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Riley Maddux Crew (Photo submitted by family)

He's expected to use that ventilator for about another year and a half. Until then, the family is just grateful to the first responders who gave Riley a fighting chance.

To learn more about Riley's journey, click here.

Oconee CountyHeartwarming NewsAtlanta Braves