Atlanta City Hall workers apprehensive about coming forward

They are curious and apprehensive about the brewing scandal at Atlanta City Hall. That is one union leader’s assessment of the mood, especially inside the main complex in downtown.

The investigation centers around bribery allegations, with a well-known businessman reportedly admitting he circulated one million dollars in cash that was to go to individuals who could help win favorable treatment on contracts.

WATCH: Why are City Hall workers afraid to come forward?

And just twenty-four hours ago, a key department head who oversaw the contract shop was abruptly terminated.

Gina Pagnotta-Murphy, president of PACE, said the workers are “eyeballing each other.” They are wondering if they should be seen talking to another employee for fear that employee might either be involved or might know something.

The union leader said it is uncomfortable. She added the Federal Bureau of Investigation, which is investigating the matter, has gotten everyone’s attention.

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