An Atlanta City Council member wants to pay residents who buy an e-bike

You could soon earn some money for purchasing an e-bike in the city of Atlanta. It's all thanks to a proposed rebate program.

"The cost of living in Atlanta continues to go up for everybody. Housing and transportation costs are very often at the top of those lists," Atlanta City Council member Matt Westmoreland explained.

Westmoreland has been leading the charge to create the e-bike rebate program in the city.

Atlanta City Council member Matt Westmoreland has been leading the charge to create the e-bike rebate program in the city.

Everyone in the city would be eligible to get up to $500 back for an e-bike purchase. Households that make 80% or less of the city's median income could get up to $1,500.

"As we think through how to attack both the changes in the climate that we're seeing, that are being influenced by, people spending a lot of time in cars and the increased pressures people are feeling on their pocket books and wallets, this is a way to provide a clean healthy way to transport people and their families and their groceries," Westmoreland said.

Atlanta City Council member Matt Westmoreland has been leading the charge to create the e-bike rebate program in the city.

"It could be preventing you from needing to buy a second car for your family because it's a lot more affordable to own and operate and maintain an e-bike than a second car. Or maybe for folks who don't have access to a car today, an electric bike could really open up the city and so many job and educational opportunities to them," Rebecca Serna, the executive director of Propel ATL, said.
