Atlanta mayoral candidate receives endorsement from public safety expert
Candidate for Atlanta Mayor gets major endorsement
Mayoral candidate Sharon Gay gets the backing of the former public safety director of DeKalb County, Dr. Cedric Alexander.
ATLANTA - It will be the biggest issue in the race for Atlanta's mayor, public safety.
And one of the candidates, local attorney Sharon Gay, has grabbed an important endorsement relevant to that very topic.
Gay, in her first broad media exposure, introduced nationally known expert Cedric Alexander to reporters Monday morning.
If the name sounds familiar, it should. Alexander led the DeKalb County crime-fighting effort for four years.
"I wouldn't be joining this campaign if she (Gay) were not sincere," Alexander said. "And she made the bold move of stepping out there with a commitment to this community."
Alexander said there is not one city in the nation that is "on top of" all the violence that is occurring.
"Atlanta has a chance to lead the way and I will help her become mayor," Alexander said.
Gay revealed that she has been a crime victim in her own neighborhood, robbed on the street coming from an exercise class.
She said she is developing a specific four-point plan to improve the city's public safety effort.
Among the areas she ticked off are a well-trained police staff, smarter policing strategies, listening to neighbors' concerns and working with the court system to ensure criminals who are locked up will do significant time for their crimes.
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