Tourist randomly attacked in front of World of Coca-Cola during field trip, her husband says
Woman attacked while chaperoning Atlanta field trip
A Savannah resident was serving as a chaperone for a group of sixth graders visiting the World of Coca-Cola when she was allegedly attacked at random and rushed to Grady Memorial Hospital.
ATLANTA - A tourist was reportedly attacked at random right in front of a popular attraction in downtown Atlanta.
The Savannah resident was serving as a chaperone for a group of sixth graders from Calvary Day School visiting the World of Coca-Cola.
The assault turned what should have been an enjoyable day in the city into a police investigation and a trip to Grady Memorial Hospital.
"We’re just gonna have to pray there is no surgery needed," Savannah resident Tim Griffis shared.
Mr. Griffis is still having a hard time coming to grips with what happened to his wife.
Mrs. Griffis was walking on Baker Street with one of her sixth grade students and a parent when the unthinkable happened.
"This person just appeared. It happened so fast," Mr. Griffis told FOX 5 Atlanta. "No conversation, no words. He just came out and hit her in the jaw … she has multiple broken bones in her jaw."
The unprovoked attack happened in broad daylight at 11:30 a.m. with plenty of witnesses.
"She was knocked unconscious, went to the ground and hit her head. Then, the EMTs came," Mr. Griffis explained.
Mrs. Griffis was rushed to the hospital.
"She's in the ambulance when she calls me," Mr. Griffis recalled.

The perpetrator ran off, but there are lots of cameras in the heart of Atlanta's tourist district.
Mr. Griffis wants the culprit held accountable.
"I love Atlanta. We grew up in south Georgia. We don't need to be afraid to walk down the street, especially during the middle of the day," the Savannah resident said.
Mr. Griffis' wife is still healing. She had multiple broken bones in her face and still has no feeling in the area where she was struck.
At the same time, she said she realizes this could have been much worse.
Atlanta police are investigating, but have not yet made an arrest.
The Source: This is an original report by FOX 5 Atlanta reporter Aungelique Proctor.