First Lady Jill Biden to visit Georgia to promote workforce development
WASHINGTON, DC - OCTOBER 24: First lady Jill Biden delivers remarks during an Australian State Dinner media preview in the State Dining Room of the White House on October 24, 2023 in Washington, DC. The first lady hosted the preview of the courses an (Getty Images)
AUGUSTA, Ga. - First Lady Dr. Jill Biden is planning her return to Georgia this week. She's expected to pay a special visit to Augusta on Wednesday to promote the building of a "diverse, skilled pipeline of workers."
It's all a part of the White House's third Investing in America tour, focused on partnering "with state and local officials, employers, unions, community colleges, high schools, and other stakeholders to ensure a diverse and skilled workforce can meet the demand for labor driven by these investments" in five key cities: Phoenix, Columbus, Baltimore, Augusta, and Pittsburgh.
In Augusta, Biden will participate in a workforce hub beginning at 11 a.m. She'll then head to Pittsburgh to do the same.