Beep baseball team in Georgia looks to expand
What is Beep Baseball?
Baseball is America’s pastime. A one-of-a-kind team in Georgia is allowing people to play the sport who haven't had the chance to before. It’s called Beep Baseball.
ATLANTA - A unique team in Georgia is allowing people who are blind and visually impaired to play baseball.
It is all thanks to the Atlanta Chaos, Georgia’s beep baseball team.
The ball and cylinders on the bases beep, so the players know where to go. Garrick Scott has been part of the team since it started in 2019, but he has been playing for almost ten years.
Scott said his vision started deteriorating when he was around 18.
"Blind people aren’t delicate pieces of chandelier. We bump into stuff all the time. So, it shouldn’t be that amazing. We get out here, and dive on the ground, and run, and hit the ball," Scott explained.
"It’s a hearing game, basically. The batter gets in rhythm with the pitcher. Once he hits the ball he’s listening for the base," Coach Roy Cody explained.
The players on the team come from all around Georgia and across the country. They travel to different tournaments as well as the World Series against dozens of other teams.
They are working now to get more funding to host tournaments closer to home.
"We want to bring this game down South. It’s more up North," Cody said.
"The majority of our funding comes out of our own pockets," Scott explained.
"If we could have two to three different teams, and we scrimmage each other, that’s amazing. Blindness is a very sedentary disability, so to have people blind out doing stuff physically being active, will go a great length to change that," he added.
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