Bernie Sanders rally at Morehouse

Chants of “Feel the Bern!” filled Forbes Arena at Morehouse College Tuesday evening during a rally for Democratic Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders. Close to 5,000 people showed up to hear him.

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Sanders has been wildly popular with young voters, which is precisely why he scheduled this appearance. Many like his plan for affordable, and in many cases, free higher education.

“I can go to Germany right now and get a free education, and I feel like we can be in the same realm as Europe in education,” said supporter Latronda Johnson.

The 74-year old candidate promises a political revolution. He wants to get big money out of politics, a higher minimum wage and criminal justice reform.

“We should be investing in education and jobs for young people, not incarceration,” Sanders told the crowd.

Sanders said he won big in New Hampshire and he'll do the same in Georgia.

“Know what I think? We're going to do it right here!” said Sanders before a cheering crowd.

His supporters said Sanders is what the country needs.



“He's genuine, he's honest, he's the only candidate that speaks for the people,” said Miguel Ramirez, a University of Georgia student who drove from Athens to Atlanta to hear Sanders.

Sanders has a lot of young supporters, and Tuesday he picked up the support of a well-known Georgia politician. State Senator Vincent Fort helped to introduce Sanders. Fort announced Tuesday that he was no longer endorsing Hillary Clinton, but would instead throw his support behind Sanders. Fort told the crowd, “I have come to the same conclusion many of you have, Bernie Sanders is the President America must have at this moment.”

App users: Click here to watch Mayor Reed weigh in on Bernie Sanders