Berry College eagle lays first egg of the season
The Berry College's eagle camera captured one eagle with an egg in its nest on Sunday. The eagle laid its egg at around 4:20 p.m. (Courtesy Berry College)
ROME, Ga. - Eagles have returned to their eerie at Berry College, and there could be a new resident soon.
Berry College's eagle camera captured one eagle with an egg in its nest on Sunday.
The eagle laid its egg at around 4:20 p.m.
Berry College is monitoring for a second egg in the next few days.
On Tuesday morning, the eagle seemed to be comfortably roosting in its nest.
Earlier this year, eggs were laid Jan. 1 and Jan. 4. One hatched on Feb. 10, but the hatchling died from exposure on Feb. 11. The second egg did not hatch.
Berry College's campus, where the nest is located, measures about 27,000 acres in Floyd County.