Bond denied for woman accused of dumping Baby India in Forsyth County woods
Bond denied for Karima Jiwani
Bond was denied during court Saturday for the woman accused of dumping Baby India in the woods in Forsyth County in 2019
FORSYTH COUNTY - Bond has been denied for Karima Jiwani, who is accused of dumping Baby India in a wooded area in Forsyth County in 2019.
During her court appearance on Saturday morning, a lawyer for 40-year-old Jiwani told the court that Jiwani suffered from postpartum depression and postpartum psychosis like "millions" of other women in this country.
PREVIOUS STORY: Mother arrested in 2019 case of Baby India dumped in Forsyth County woods
He also pointed out that Jiwani has no criminal history and is a homeowner and stay-at-home mom to 3 minor children.
District Attorney Penny Penn pointed out that postpartum depression doesn't occur until a length of time after a child has been born and Jiwani is accused of dumping her child in the woods within hours of birth.
According to the Mayo Clinic, the "baby blues" usually begin within the first 2 to 3 days after delivery and may last up to two weeks. Some new moms experience a more severe, long-lasting form of depression known as postpartum depression.
The Mayo Clinic says postpartum psychosis is a rare condition that usually develops within the first week after delivery and the symptoms are severe.
Penn also said that Jiwani admitted to police that she intended to kill the infant during interviews after her arrest.
The district attorney also refuted Jiwani's lawyer's claim that she did not have the financial means to leave the area or have a place that she could escape to. Additionally, Penn pointed out that there may be a risk of intimidation because witnesses to the incident currently reside in Jiwani's home.
Judge Keisha Chambless said that she has "grave concerns" about the possibility of Jiwani leaving the area and is concerned about the biological mother's ability to influence the potential witnesses.
"Baby India" was found in a plastic bag near Daves Creek Road in Cumming. During a news conference Friday, it was announced by the Forsyth County Sheriff Ron Freeman that after almost four years to the date that the infant was found, they had made an arrest. The sheriff says they were able to locate the biological father approximately 10 months ago through advanced DNA testing. That led to the identification of Jiwani as the possible mother.
- More than 1,000 people want to adopt ‘Baby India,' newborn found wrapped in plastic bag in woods
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The sheriff also said that Jiwani has a history of concealing pregnancies and "surprise" births. He said that it appears Jiwani went to great lengths to hide her pregnancy with Baby Jiwani.
The infant was discovered after young girls thought they heard crying in the woods and convinced their father to go out in the middle of the night to investigate.
It is believed that Jiwani gave birth inside of her vehicle and then drove for a significant period of time before wrapping the newborn in plastic and leaving her in the woods.
Jiwani is facing charges of attempt to commit murder, cruelty to children in the first degree, aggravated assault, reckless abandonment and other charges.
The biological father was reportedly unaware of the pregnancy and birth and is not facing charges.
Baby India is now healthy and happy according to Sheriff Freeman. It is unknown where she currently resides.
The next hearing is scheduled for June 13.