Boone's serves up burgers and brews to hungry golfers at Bobby Jones Golf Course

If you haven’t been to Bobby Jones Golf Course since their redesign, you likely won’t recognize the place.

And if you ever grabbed a snack at the turn in the old days, you definitely won’t recognize the current dining (and drinking) option.

Boone’s is named after Augusta businessman, philanthropist, avid golfer and friend of Bobby Jones, Boone Knox. There are a lot of great options on the menu, including two burgers.  

The Classic Burger starts with a blend of chuck, short rib, and brisket.  It’s topped with local cheddar cheese, lettuce, tomato, pickles, and Duke’s Mayo.  As the name implies, it is a "Classic" and one bite will likely bring back a lot of great memories of cookout and backyard BBQ’s past.

Meanwhile, the Duck Burger is everything the Classic Burger is not.  The patty is made of duck and tenderloin trimmings.  It’s sits on top of a healthy portion of Berkwood Bacon, and is topped with blue cheese and, are you ready for this?  Three words for you… Smoked. Blueberry. Jam.

Bottom line, they are very different, but both are quite delicious.  The biggest struggle for yours truly was which one to eat.  You can’t go wrong with either option, but if you really want the full #BurgersWithBuck experience, you’ll do what we did.  We ate both.  And before you ask, the answer is yes… we ate every last bite and didn’t regret it for a second.

Also, among the multitude of draft beer options at Boone’s, an ode to Bobby Jones famous putter, ‘Calamity Jane’.  It’s a blonde ale made by Atlanta’s Fire Maker Brewing Company, and it sports one of the coolest beer taps you’ll ever see.

Here’s wishing you multiple birdies and burgers, and perhaps beers the next time you hit the links at Bobby Jones.  And for the non-golfers among us, rather than hitting the links before or after your burger(s), you can check out the Bobby Jones museum, complete with many great pictures, handwritten letters, and scorecards from the late Atlanta golfing legend.

For more information about Boone’s including the location, menu, and hours of operation, go to And, as always, if you have a favorite burger that you would like to see featured on Good Day Atlanta, tell me about it on or, and don’t forget to use the hashtag #BurgersWithBuck and/or #BWB.        


Burgers With BuckRestaurantsGood Day Atlanta