Boy recovering from dog bite in Winder neighborhood

A dog bit a 6-year-old Winder boy on Friday and now it's not clear where the dog is or who will be held responsible for its actions.

"The first day after it happened he put two pairs of jeans on to go for a walk," Anita Stacey, his mother, said.

Isaac Stacey is normally pretty rambunctious for a 6-year-old. But Stacey said, ever since he was bit by a neighbor's dog Friday, he's preferred playing in the house.

"The dogs had already started attacking some of the men in that area working on landscape," Stacey said.

A neighbor’s surveillance camera captured the chaotic moments as Stacey and her three children, ages 4, 6 and 10 went for walk around the neighborhood on Turtle Creek Drive.

Two dogs chased after the boy. Stacey said one of them bit her son on the leg.

Eventually, Stacey and her three children jumped in the landscaping truck to escape the dogs while others lured them away.

They then took Isaac to the emergency room. 

"When they took my heartbeat it was beating 118 miles per hour," Isaac said, remembering the moments doctors treated him.

Nearly a week later, his leg is still inflamed and his mother said her neighbors took the dog to another state.

Barrow County Animal Control confirmed they have a record of this dog bite but they did not confirm the animal's whereabouts or comment any further about what's next for the dog.

Stacey said she's worried about her son's health considering there's no word on whether the dog was vaccinated against rabies. She also wants to make sure this doesn't happen to someone else.

"If you’re a dog capable of harming a child, you should have a record follow you in case it happens again," she said.

FOX 5 reached out to the neighbors who own the dog. They did not respond.

The Staceys do have a dog of their own, and only moved to the neighborhood for temporary housing as they await their homes closing, which they anticipate will be soon.

"We’re not too unhappy to move after that situation," she said. "It’s a very nice community but this dog has been around for a while and is not much liked by the community because of behavior in the past."



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