Canadian man pleads guilty to traveling to Atlanta for sex with minor

Royce Eric-Bernard Rivard (Credit: Douglas County Sheriffs Office)

A Canadian man was caught attempting to cross the border after exploiting a minor in Atlanta.

Royce Eric-Bernard Rivard, 24, pleaded guilty to four counts of child molestation and one count of enticing a child for indecent purposes on September 9, 2024. According to the victim, the abuse began two years prior.

The 14-year-old victim told her parents that Rivard traveled from his home in Canada to meet her in Atlanta during the summer of 2022 after talking to her via social media. The victim said Rivard used her interest in celebrities and music to gain her trust and groom her. Eventually, he rented an AirBnb in Douglas County where he molested her.

When the victim tried to break contact with Rivard, she said he threatened to spread lies about her family. She said he told her that he knew where they all lived and worked.

Instead of staying silent, the victim went to her parents in February 2023. They immediately got the police involved.

Rivard was detained at a U.S. port of entry from Canada into Michigan in April 2023. After entering his guilty plea, he was sentenced to 60 years in prison. The first 25 will be served in confinement.

"We applaud and appreciate the victim’s courageousness in speaking about her abuser," Douglas County District Attorney Dalia Racine said about the case. "Too often these incidents go untold, leaving the victims to suffer in silence. We appreciate the efforts of our law enforcement partners and our team to stand up for this victim in court."

If you, or anyone you know, is a victim of abuse, reach out to a parent or loved one and call law enforcement. There are resources available 24/7, like the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 1-800-656-4673.