Serial car break-in suspect arrested in Dunwoody: Don't let your guard down
Don't leave guns in cars, Dunwoody police warn
Dunwoody police have a warning for people don't leave anything valuable in your car. That's after police have seen an uptick in entering autos.
DUNWOODY, Ga. - Dunwoody police have a warning for everyone: Don't leave anything valuable in your car. Investigators say they've seen an uptick in car break-ins.
"If they can find it in the car, it will be stolen," said Dunwoody Police Sgt. Michael Cheek.
Dunwoody police say it doesn't matter if your car is parked at a shopping center, a restaurant, on the street, or even in your driveway. Do not leave anything valuable in your car.
"We do not advise you leave guns, purses, wallets, ID's, cash, jewelry, cell phones. All that stuff is guaranteed to be stolen if someone gets in your car and finds it," said Sgt. Cheek.
Early Saturday morning, police say they heard calls of a man seen flipping car door handles and smashing car windows off Chamblee Dunwoody Road. Police raced to the scene and started searching for him.
A couple of hours later, more 911 calls came from a nearby neighborhood.
"They got the same call about the same guy doing the exact same thing," said Sgt. Cheek.
After a brief chase, police captured 31-year-old Kenton Robertson. Police say his backpack was stuffed with loot.

Kenton Robertson (Credit: Dunwoody Police Department))
"All different kinds of electronics, some guns, cellphones, cash, ID's," said Sgt. Cheek.
Investigators have traced those items to about a dozen victims.
Word of the break-ins quickly spread through the neighborhood, and now many are taking precautions.
"I'm parking my car in the garage as opposed to leaving it in the driveway," said Andrew Daniels, who lives in the neighborhood.
Tara and Corinne Sinisgalli say it doesn't matter where you live, you can't let your guard down.
"I don't leave anything in my car. I'm blessed to live in Dunwoody. It's wonderful, but you never know. You gotta be safe," said Corinne Sinisgalli.
"In this day and age, you have to be safe. You have to be careful, you gotta take care of what you have," said Tara Sinisgalli.
Police say they've been able to link this one arrest to 12 people, but others have come forward. Investigators say if your car has been broken into and you haven't reported it yet, give them a call.