Cheerleaders get creative to send some love to nursing home residents
COWETA COUNTY, Ga. - Cheerleaders at East Coweta High School are spreading love to residents at nursing homes.
Jodi Guess, the head cheerleading coach, says she came up with the idea when she was with her daughter. Guess says she has 2 aunts in nursing homes. She and her daughter made signs to send them since they are in isolation because of COVID-19.
Guess says the pandemic is “like something I’ve never seen before.” But she didn’t let that stop her from staying positive.
“We just wanted to send something and just to let them know somebody is thinking of them and send words of encouragement,” says Guess. She recruited her 45 cheerleaders to make signs to send to 2 local nursing homes.
Kayah Lane says, “I think that this is just good to show the community that everything is going to be okay during this time, and I think it’s just a good thing that we’re doing.” Lane is one of the dozens of girls who made multiple signs to cheer up residents unable to see their loved ones.

“I know a lot of people get lonely when they’re in nursing homes so it’s good that we can share some love,” says Ellie Dozier.
Together, the girls made about 145 signs. Hannah Spavelko says, “I think it’s such a positive thing to do especially in a time where things seem so negative and sad. We just have to bring some positivity to everyone, especially people in nursing homes.”
Guess collected the signs by leaving a bookbag by her mailbox and having her cheerleaders drop them off. Then she divided the signs and sent them through the mail. It was a process used on purpose, to practice social distancing.