Church minister arrested on child porn charges in Coweta County

A Coweta County church minister was arrested on child porn charges. 

James Morgan Gravley, 38, was arrested by the Coweta County Internet Crimes Against Children unit on Wednesday. 

According to the Coweta County Sheriff’s Office, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children got a tip that a resident had downloaded suspected child sexual abuse material or child porn. 

Deputies say the internet address came back to Gravley. 

A sheriff’s office investigator took Gravley into custody at their office. According to jail records, he is married with three children. He listed his employer as a Newnan church. A check of that church’s website listed Gravely as a minister to families there. 

A spokesperson for the sheriff’s office says Gravley’s role at the church is not involved in their investigation nor were any children suspected of being in danger. 

Gravley had his first court appearance and was given a $12,000 bond. 

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