Police body camera video shows moments before officer shoots, kills 68-year-old man

Clayton County police have released 911 calls and body camera video from the moment an officer shot and killed 68-year-old Charles Calhoun outside his home as he held a rifle.

Family members said he had a gun because he thought someone was trying to break into his home.

Police said the officer opened fire when Calhoun pointed the gun at him.

In the video, moments after a single shot, an officer says, "Put the gun down, put the (expletive) gun down now! I will light you’re (expletive) up."

In a series of 911 calls, neighbors told operators they heard gunshots and saw Calhoun walking around with a long gun.

"There’s a man in my yard shooting," one caller said.

"There’s like a guy laying out in the grass and it appears like he’s holding a rifle," said another.

The video shows Clayton County police approaching Calhoun from the backyard.

"Officers give verbal commands for the male to put down the rifle, but they are interrupted when the male points the rifle in their direction," an identified spokesperson for Clayton County police said in the video they released.

On the body camera video they released there is no audible command until after the shot is fired.

Calhoun’s widow Sheryl told reporters at a news conference last week that their home had recently been broken into, and that’s why he was outside with the rifle at 5:30 in the morning on March 23.

She said she was not home at the time, but spoke to him on the phone moments before he went outside.

"If they had made it known who they were, or he saw it was a police officer, and they had not come at him from behind, he would have [put his gun down]," Sheryl Calhoun said. "Because he’s not a violent person."

After the single shot is heard, cops appear to rush up to Calhoun and begin first aid.

It was already too late.

"He’s not responsive. He’s fading," one officer said in the video.

"Check the pulse," another is heard saying.  

Mawuli Davis, attorney for the Calhoun family, says they had just laid him to rest over the weekend and the police department posted the video to YouTube without telling them.

"They have not been emotionally and psychologically prepared to view the video that was released to the public without their knowledge," Davis said. "It is unfortunate that the Clayton County Police Department elected to release this information without arranging to meet with the family first  In the coming days, the family will review the video posted on YouTube and issue a public statement. They truly appreciate the prayers, love, and support they have received during these trying times."

FOX 5 asked Clayton County Police spokespeople why the command to drop the gun was not heard before the shot. They said they’re not commenting further while the GBI investigates.