Cobb County school bus driver saves choking girl

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Cobb County bus driver saves student

A Cobb County bus driver is being credited with saving a girl from choking.

A Cobb County family is expressing gratitude to a school bus driver, Michael Green, who recently saved a young girl from choking on a piece of candy. The incident unfolded when an elementary student began choking, prompting Green to spring into action.

Green noticed the student standing up in the aisle, holding her throat. Without hesitation, he pulled the bus over and swiftly performed the Heimlich maneuver, successfully dislodging the obstruction and ensuring the girl's safety.

Mableton Elementary School Assistant Principal Lori Arends commended Green for his quick and decisive actions, expressing the school's heartfelt appreciation for his heroism. 

"He has our deepest thanks for keeping his composure and helping our precious student," praised Mableton Assistant Principal Lori L. Arends. "I was so proud of his actions, including having the presence of mind to call us and bring her back to the school. He was so humble. Thank you, Mr. Green!"

The girl's little brother also thanked Green for saving his sister's life. 

Despite being in the early stages of his career as a bus driver, Green shared that he feels it's the place he is meant to be, emphasizing the importance of being prepared for any situation to ensure the well-being of the students entrusted to his care.