Cobb Schools announces start date for face-to-face instruction
Cobb releases timelines for reopening schools
The phased timeline for schools in Cobb County is out.
COBB COUNTY, Ga. - Cobb County Schools announced Thursday phased start dates for face-to-face instruction amid the coronavirus pandemic.
The phased plan will provide both face-to-face and remote learning environments.
"I am pleased to announce that the three parameters of community spread, effective contact tracing protocol, and efficient testing timeliness impacting our decision to offer face-to-face instruction have all been trending in a positive direction," said Cobb County Schools superintendent, Chris Ragsdale.
Phase One beginning October 5, 2020: All kindergarten through fifth-grade students will return for full-day instruction. ASP will also resume for students in face-to-face classrooms on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. All low incidence pre-K through 12th-grade special education students will be given a face-to-face classroom option during phase one.
Phase Two beginning October 19, 2020: All sixth through eighth-grade students for full-day instruction.
Phase Three beginning November 5, 2020: All ninth through twelfth-grade students for full-day instruction.This is a Thursday start date because of Election Day.
Parents are asked to submit their choice for face-to-face or remote beginning at 8 a.m. on September 7 through the ParentVue portal. The choice portal will close at midnight on September 20.
School officisals say face-to-face and remote-learning students in the same class will receive the same instruction from the same teacher.
Additional information is expected to be released regarding student schedules and bus transportation.
Health and safety protocols will be present to keep students and staff as safe as possible. Some of those protocols include:
- Social Distancing will be practiced whenever possible.
- Masks will be required on buses and in school buildings for students and staff, and whenever possible, when teachers are teaching.
- Hand Sanitizer at multiple locations throughout schools.
The district said additional details for students and parents will be provided on Friday, September 4, and will be found on the digital home for Cobb’s Reopening Plan at