Ex-Mellow Mushroom worker on the run after shooting current employee
Ex-Mellow Mushroom employee shoots co-worker
The parking lot of the popular Mellow Mushroom in College Park is closed following a shooting. Police say the shooting involved a former employee shooting a current employee.
COLLEGE PARK, Ga. - College Park Police are looking for a former Mellow Mushroom employee who they say shot a current employee at the popular spot on Virginia Avenue.
The restaurant was closed Monday following the violence, but expects to reopen Tuesday.
Witnesses say the shooting happened just after the restaurant opened at around 11:20 a.m. Monday.

College Park Police are looking for a former Mellow Mushroom employee who they say shot a current employee at the popular spot on Virginia Avenue.
We are told the former employee and the current employee had an ongoing disagreement. The former employee reportedly had been told not to come onto the property, but other workers say he violated that order today.
FOX 5 spoke to a woman who says she has been working in College Park for 40 years.
She heard the gunfire Monday morning, saw the suspect run from the scene and says she's still afraid.
"It was an employee from the Mellow Mushroom that ran into my business and asked me to dial 911," Blimpie employee Amanda Proctor said. "I actually saw the man run past our business. He had on a black hoodie and a white T-shirt. It terrifies me. I'm ready to go home right now. I do not want to deal with the public anymore, just being honest. It's very scary, the world is getting crazy."
College Park police say the victim is being held at Grady Memorial Hospital, but have opted not to release his name or condition.
They have identified the suspect, but are not releasing his name either.