Cornelia man charged with child molestation, sexual battery

David Roy Summers (Rabun County Sheriffs Office)

A Georgia man is in custody facing multiple counts of child molestation after an investigation in Rabun and Habersham counties.

Deputies arrested 52-year-old Cornelia resident David Roy Summers on March 13.

Officials say they began an investigation into Summers after the parents of an underage girl reached out to authorities.

In an interview, the victim told investigators that she had been alone with Summers at a home in Habersham County and that he had taken her to job sites in Rabun County.

During that time, detectives say that Summers inappropriately touched the victim and "engaged in sexual intercourse."

Investigators say they were able to place the child with Summers at multiple job sites through interviews with witnesses. Summers later admitted to spending time alone with the girl.

Summers is in custody at the Habersham County Jail, charged with one count of sexual battery and four counts of child molestation.

The investigation is ongoing. If you have any information that could assist with the case, call the Habersham or Rabun County Sheriff's Office's Criminal Investigation Division.