Crack cocaine found in Florida couple's car in Monroe County, sheriff says

Danny Waye and Felicia Brown

Monroe County Sheriff's deputies arrested a Florida couple on March 7 around 8:25 p.m. during a routine traffic stop. Upon stopping the vehicle, deputies observed a small bag of marijuana. 

Taking further action, the deputies requested the occupants, identified as Danny Waye and Felcia Brown from Jacksonville, Florida, to exit the vehicle for a search. During the search, a vacuum-sealed bag containing what appeared to be crack cocaine, weighing approximately half a pound, was found under the driver's seat.

Additionally, two small bags of suspected crack cocaine were discovered between the front seat and the center console. Both Waye and Brown were subsequently arrested on charges of Trafficking Cocaine. Brown faces an additional charge of Driving on a Suspended License.

A 13-year-old juvenile was also present in the vehicle during the incident. The teenager was taken to the Sheriff's Office and later picked up by her mother.

As of now, both Waye and Brown are being held without bond in the Monroe County Jail.