Debate over MARTA's plan for Brookhaven Station

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There was a packed room at Brookhaven City Hall Wednesday as residents voiced their concerns about the MARTA development set to be built at the Brookhaven Station.

“It's about making sure that it is smart and that the city is protected,” said resident Karen Dernavich. “That the things we are concerned about with sewer and water and traffic are addressed and that the city is not left holding the bag when the developers are long gone.”

During the planning meeting, MARTA presented improvements to the plans since first introduced after hearing from residents, which included more restaurants and retail space and more for sale units. The latest project plans include 340 rental units, 107 for sale units, senior housing, 200,000 square feet for office space, more than 55,000 square feet for restaurants and retail space along with a 125 room hotel.

MARTA said it has held more than 20 meeting with the community and even created an online service for those who could not attend. Residents said while compromises have been achieved, critical issues have not been adequately addressed, like traffic.

During the presentation, MARTA addressed traffic concerns, but residents said the current plan will not work. Residents said daily car trips will increase from 550 to more than 7,000, which also brings about the parking concerns at the MARTA station.

“[I’m] concerned that if MARTA folks cannot park in the parking deck than they are going to start parking on our streets,” said resident Mickey Roberts.

Some Brookhaven residents said they are not anti-development, but want to make sure the verbal agreements are put down on paper and are not just empty promises. Residents said they want to work with MARTA to make this a project that will work.

During the planning meeting Wednesday, MARTA proposed rezoning and an increase in height for a building, the council decided on a 30-day deferral.