Detective: Suspect in nurse death searched for news of crime

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) - A detective has testified that a man accused of killing a Nashville nurse last month searched the internet for news stories on the crime and police fingerprint investigation techniques.

The Tennessean reports ( that the detective testified Thursday that police examined the cell phone searches of Christopher D. McLawhorn and found that he also searched "murderotica suffocation" on a porn site before he was arrested.

Police have accused him of repeatedly stabbing 23-year-old nurse Tiffany Ferguson after breaking into her residence in the middle of the night and stealing several items.

A homeless man testified that McLawhorn, who was also homeless, told him that he killed someone after she woke up and he didn't know what to do.

McLawhorn's lawyer did not immediately return a call seeking comment.


Information from: The Tennessean,
