Disneyland streaker arrested after stripping down in 'It's a Small World' ride

A man was arrested Sunday after he was seen naked wandering around the "It's A Small World" ride at Disneyland, forcing the ride to shut down for more than an hour while park guests looked on in confusion.

It happened around 1:30 p.m. according to Instagram user iheartdisneyland, who shared video of the incident on social media. The man, seen in nothing but glasses and a black pair of underwear, walked around the displays. The same post showed a pile of what appeared to be the man's clothes nearby. 

In another video shared by magic.with.maegra, the same man was seen climbing over the display and into the fake water in front of the Taj Mahal on the ride, while Disney cast members could be heard asking the man to climb off, and warning him that he would hurt himself. The person who posted the video told FOX 11 that the cast members "did an excellent job handling the situation to the best of their abilities." 

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Social media reports from those who were there said that the ride was shut down for more than an hour because of the ordeal. 

While videos FOX 11 has obtained showed the man in his boxers, Anaheim Police confirmed that he had at one point stripped completely naked.


A man seen in his boxers in the "It's a Small World" ride at Disneyland. Photos of man courtesy of Instagram user Instagram magic.with.maegra. Photo of clothes courtesy of Instagram user iheartdisneyland.

According to Sergeant Jon McClintock with the Anaheim Police, the 26-year-old man was arrested for indecent exposure and being under the influence of a controlled substance. He was taken to the hospital as a precaution. 
