Dog rescue posts heart-wrenching story of recovery of Baron | How you can help

Dog Day Rescue, a Kennesaw-based nonprofit animal rescue, posted these photos of Baron who is suffering severe injuries from an embedded collar. (Dog Days Rescue)

Baron is an extremely cute and docile pit bull whose sad eyes appear to tell everything about the horrifying wounds he has suffered.

"This sweet, tiny boy is incredible. Words can’t express his tender, loving nature," Dog Day Rescue posted to its Facebook page.

The Kennesaw-based animal rescue has been posting about Baron’s progress for nearly a week now. Some details may be difficult to swallow.

One volunteer wrote how because of Baron’s injury, her car now "stinks of infection, blood on the blanket and back of the seats and maggots have dropped out of the wound."

She added: "I would do it a million times over and not change a thing!"

The images shared of his wounds may be disturbing to some.

"We received this graphic video and a plea from the shelter to help this boy with this horrific wound," the rescue group posted. "We’ve not been taking in new dogs because our foster homes are full, but there was no way we could turn our back on this boy."

Baron has suffered an extreme injury caused by an embedded collar.

"That happens when a collar is put on a puppy and never changed," the post continues. "The puppy grows, but the collar doesn’t, so the body is forced to grow around the collar. This is most often found in dogs that live on chains or in backyards with no human interaction."

Dog Days Rescues says it is one of the worst cases they have seen, but sadly, not the worst case ever. They say he is also underweight, something easily remedied, but the injuries to his neck are more complicated.

The group took Baron to the ER and doctors were able to clean and begin to treat the massive wound to his neck. The staff at the clinic quickly fell in love.

"It seems he has all of the techs smitten, the doctor said they’re all asking if they can take him home," the group posted, adding a smiley emoji. "He’s got such a sweet personality and he’s absolutely adorable."

Baron was put on antibiotics and has been having his bandages changed every few hours.

"His neck is being cleaned and re-bandaged at regular intervals, each time sloughing necrotic skin and alternating between wet and dry bandages as the wound continues to drain," they posted.

Sunday, Baron was able to get away from his IV for a few minutes and simply enjoy the sun. Dog Days Rescue posted an adorable picture of Baron laying down in the sunbeams.

"He’s still stable and loving everyone. His wound cleanings are going well," the post reads. "He’ll be evaluated tomorrow to possibly have the needed surgery on that horrid wound to hopefully be closed."

The next day, doctors said it would still be a few more days before they could perform surgery to close the wounds.

"The wound needed to be reopened on the edges because it’s starting to build scar tissue. In order to be able to pull the skin together and close it, the surgeon needs healthy tissue without scar buildup," the group wrote.

The staff says there is still too much bacteria and not enough healthy skin to move forward. His regiment of recovery will continue for a little while longer.

"Meanwhile, he’s getting lots of attention from the staff, everyone absolutely adores his sweet personality and adorable little face!" the staff exclaimed.

However, saving this sweet pup’s life is getting expensive. The hospital bills are climbing.

Dog Days Rescue has set up a fundraiser through Facebook to try to meet Baron’s medical needs. Donations can also be made at

The group says charges against Baron’s owner have been filed.

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