Douglasville residents unite behind 'No rock Quarry' signs

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The signs read “No Rock Quarry” and they are popping up in many parts of Douglasville.

The people opposed to the nearly 200 acre proposed rock quarry say they do not welcome the blasting, dust and vibrations. But the developer says it wouldn’t be much of a change from the way things are now. And it’s all coming down to a show down at a city council meeting in a couple of days.

The signs have been popping in many parts of Douglasville, especially near South Flat Road and West Strickland Street, site of a proposed nearly 200 acre granite quarry.

“The blasting of course for those neighbors who are within a mile or so the blasting is a huge issue,” said Curtis Shipley.

He and Allen Teal who both live near the proposed quarry said they are also concerned about the quarry contaminating the water table and bringing on additional traffic.

“The road concerns are really one of my main concerns the trucks will be coming down South Flat Rock, it’s a no truck zone already,” said Teal.

Developer Bart Boyd of Georgia Stone Product said he doesn’t see traffic as a problem.

“We would utilize this rail that you see beside us to ship material out, potentially ship material in,” said Boyd.

He said using rail shipping would cut down on traffic not add to it. He told FOX 5 News the proposed quarry’s design would improve aesthetics in the area which is the industrial side of town.

Mr. Boyd insists nearby residents would not notice any change from activity at another quarry across the street.

“The additional impact is zero. Because they are currently performing the same activity across the street,” said Boyd.

Opponents say another quarry would double the activity not be equal to it.

“Nobody that I talked to that lives in this area wants another rock quarry,” said Shipley.

He said there are already several rock quarries within a 13 mile radius, adding the proposed rock quarry has a life span of 50 to 60 years.

“It is a big commitment for our children, grandchildren and the future,” said Teal.

Developer Boyd says many people are afraid of the unknown.

“I think it’s more of an opposition to change than it is to what is actually going to transpire,” said Boyd.

The City Council meeting to take public input on the matter is scheduled for Thursday at six pm at the Douglasville Conference Center at 6700 Church Street.

The council is then scheduled to return in a week to approve Lt deny the quarry proposal.

The matter had already been approved the city’s zoning board which forwarded it to the City Council which after two meetings tabled the proposal to take more public input.

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