Dunwoody mother, daughter targeted by airsoft gun in store parking lot

Dunwoody police are trying to track down the people who fired an airsoft, or Orbeez, gun at a mother and daughter. Police say it is not the first time something like this has happened. They have had two recent cases of something similar at local parks. In those cases, the people involved have been identified. 

Now, police are trying to figure out who is behind the most recent case that happened in the Target store parking lot. 

Airsoft gun shooting in Dunwoody

Police say a mom and her daughter were walking out of Target, when, out of nowhere, the daughter was hit with small orange pellets that had been fired from a passing car. 

"They were walking to the car, a car drove past them, shot towards them a couple of times, striking the daughter," said Dunwoody Police Lt. Tim Fecht. 

Someone opened fire using an airsoft, or Orbeez, gun at a mother and daughter shopping at the Target in Dunwoody.

Someone opened fire using an airsoft, or Orbeez, gun at a mother and daughter shopping at the Target in Dunwoody. 

The daughter was not seriously injured, but it was frightening. 

Police are not sure if it was an Orbeez, or some type of airsoft gun, but whatever it was, police say this is no joke. 

"People do sustain injuries, even though it may be minor, it's still considered battery," said Lt. Fecht. 

"It's something high-pressured, so I'm sure it stings," said George Lamar, who says he shops at that Target often. 

Lamar says this is extremely dangerous and fears it could escalate into something much worse. 

"Pulling anything out and trying to shoot at anybody, nobody knows if it's a real gun or not," said Lamar. 

Gunman sought in airsoft gun shooting

Police say the people who shot those pellets were in a sedan with two to four people inside. Investigators are trying to figure out who they are. 

"We're working with Target to obtain surveillance video and utilizing technology in the city to try to identify those people involved," said Lt. Fecht. 

Someone opened fire using an airsoft, or Orbeez, gun at a mother and daughter shopping at the Target in Dunwoody.

Someone opened fire using an airsoft, or Orbeez, gun at a mother and daughter shopping at the Target in Dunwoody.  (FOX 5)

Maryellen Quirk says she heard about what happened in the parking lot and hopes whoever is doing this is caught soon. 

"I get kid pranks, but that's going too far when you scare people, especially when you scare young children," said Quirk. 

The mom posted about what happened outside Target on social media. More than 100 people commented, some saying something similar happened to them. 

If this happened to you, or if you have any information that could help Dunwoody police find the people responsible, give them a call. 

What are Orbeez, airsoft guns? 

Airsoft guns, as their name suggests, are designed to be non-lethal and utilize air power to shoot plastic pellets. Mainly used in sporting events like paintball, these guns often resemble real firearms but are engineered to engage targets with much less force. 

Despite their designed purpose for recreation, the realistic appearance of airsoft guns can cause alarm, making it difficult for bystanders and law enforcement to distinguish them from actual weapons at a distance. Airsoft pellets, typically 6 to 8 millimeters in diameter, can cause bruising, broken skin, and other injuries if protective gear isn't used. 

Orbeez guns, on the other hand, are toys that shoot gel beads made of super-absorbent polymers. These soft, water-filled beads are meant to burst on contact and were originally designed for play. Orbeez are also used in gardening and home decor, as they can store and slowly release water. 

Although typically considered less dangerous than airsoft guns, Orbeez guns can still pose risks. The beads can be shot with considerable force, causing injury, particularly if aimed at sensitive areas such as the eyes or face. 

The distinction between these guns and real firearms, along with the potential for misuse, has placed them under scrutiny. Numerous places have age restrictions and safety guidelines on these products, and in some cases, certain Airsoft and Orbeez guns are subject to local regulations or bans.