Dunwoody officers challenge kids to soccer game

It was a rousing game of soccer followed by a game of kickball at a Dunwoody apartment complex. But take a closer look and you'll see a handful of police officers among the dozens of kids.

Police say they were getting complaints about kids playing soccer in the street. Instead of lecturing the kids, they grabbed some soccer balls and took them to a field where the kids could play all they wanted.

“We did share the message and told them not to play in the street and not to make too much noise and use the field instead. It didn't take long before 20 or 30 kids showed up,” said Lt. Fidel Espinoza, Dunwoody Police Department.



“It's awesome, I now know a few of them and they know my name and when they see me in the community now they'll wave and I'm more approachable,” said Officer Justin Hensal, Dunwoody Police Department.

The kids were all asking the officers if they could come back the next day. The officers joked that next time they might need more back-up, because they were definitely out-numbered on the field.