East Lake Terrace homeowners fighting back against series of burglaries

DeKalb County Police are investigating a home break-in the East Lake Terrace community that took place around 2 p.m. on Saturday.

Detectives returned to the house of Casey and Allison Yarbrough to get fingerprints and more statements.

The Yarbroughs say investigators have the home's doorbell camera video which shows the suspect wearing a ski mask as he kicked in the door to the home.

"He took a couple of handguns, my eyeglasses, randomly," said victim Allison Yarbrough.

She says there were several break-ins recently, including this weekend, which neighbors believe could be tied to one suspect.

"They were in and out in under three minutes. They just ransacked tehir way to the bedroom," explained homeowner Casey Yarbrough.

The Yarbroughs say they are fortifying their home some more, but maintain while they feel violated after a third break-in in two years, they are not afraid of their home, where they have lived for the past decade.

"Honestly, my heels are more dug in for this neighborhood even further. I'm ready to fight for this neighborhood," said Mr. Yarbrough.

If you have any information about the incident, you are encouraged to call the DeKalb County Police Department.

The Source: This article is based on original reporting by FOX 5's Kevyn Stewart.

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