East Lake Terrace neighbors say drive-by shooting is just one of many safety concerns

Police in DeKalb County said they are investigating a drive-by shooting that left one person injured last Saturday on Daniel Avenue in the East Lake Terrace community. Neighbors told FOX 5 they’re frustrated with ongoing crime in the area.

That quiet Saturday night in Decatur’s East Lake Terrace community was interrupted by the sound of gunfire and then a car speeding off.

"I was actually getting ready to go to bed when it happened and literally as soon as I laid down, I heard the automatic rifle go off," said resident Trevor Durham-Henderson.

According to DeKalb County Police, someone in a passing vehicle fired several shots just before midnight Mar. 2 hitting a 23-year-old woman who was inside a home on Daniel Avenue. Medics rushed the woman to the hospital for treatment.

"That’s the most disturbing thing to me," said Durham-Henderson.

He said this shooting was just the latest incident of crime in the neighborhood that has had nearly 60 break-ins reported over the last few months. 

"I think the more things like this happen, the worst things are going to get over time," he said.

Another resident, Jason Prance, told FOX 5 he had been the victim of one burglary and a second burglary-attempt since moving into the community four years ago. He said this latest shooting brought on heightened safety concerns.

"More of a shock reaction, you know," said Prance. "We haven’t had a drive-by shooting happen—especially somebody getting injured like that."

So far, no arrests have been made in the burglary incidents. While neighbors have started a community crime watch group, both Durham-Henderson and Prance said they want to see these cases solved through stronger investigations and an increased police presence.

"I don’t very often see my local police officers going up and down my road, and I find that concerning," said Durham-Henderson.

The two said they plan to voice those concerns at the Major’s Night Out event the DeKalb County Police Department's South Precinct is hosting at Barker Bryant Memorial Park later this month. (FOX 5 Atlanta)

The two said they plan to voice those concerns at the Major’s Night Out event the DeKalb County Police Department's South Precinct is hosting at Barker Bryant Memorial Park later this month. They’re encouraging other residents to also attend. 

Police said the investigation into the shooting remains ongoing.