Employees honored for helping save co-worker's life

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Felina Cannon credits three Gwinnett County colleagues with saving her life and Thursday she had a chance to honor their heroic actions.

"It's just amazing to see the people who really saved my life. They are like angels to me," the Gwinnett County bus driver told FOX's 5 Chris Francis Thursday.

Cannon had a seizure and stopped breathing at the school district's bus barn in Lawrenceville on July 29. Her CPR-certified colleagues, Cindy Johnston, Sandy Purcell and Dee Walls immediately stepped in to help.

"On a mannequin, it's just plastic and totally different. But on a real human, you realize just how hard you have to do the chest compressions. You get so focused on what you're doing, you forget you're on the ground or even how long you're down there," said Wells, who had never performed CPR outside of her training.

The Gwinnett County School District requires transportation staff members to know CPR and even provides the training at sessions throughout the year.

"It was a team effort between all of us, but of course it was all God as well. I'm just thankful the Gwinnett requires us all to get certified," said Purcell, who helped with chest compressions.

Thursday afternoon, the women were honored with "Make a Difference" awards. Cannon said she was grateful to be there and celebrate.

"I have three kids and three grandkids and I wanted them to know and see the women who saved me. The doctors even told me the CPR is the reason I'm here. Those women are a blessing," said Cannon.
