Fire chief promises action for Atlanta fire station with water leakage issue

Dirty water leaking inside one of Atlanta's fire stations appears to have worsened. The Fire Chief, who said he saw a FOX 5 report on the problem has now promised action. Meanwhile, firefighters who live at the station part-time are trying to steer clear of the impacted area.

FOX 5 reporter Morse Diggs visited Station 26 early last year with Atlanta Mayor Andre Dickens.

Last year, Dickens toured the facility to see the limitations of the structure. He and Diggs witnessed water coming up from a flood drain that firefighters believed was from a sewage backup. Things were ready to be replaced back then.

"Immediately when we were notified, we got in contact with D.E.A.M. They sent a plumber up there. We determined that it was not actually sewer, but it was gray water," said Chief Rod Smith.

That "gray water," in this case, meant water coming from the kitchen sink that can contain bacteria and pathogens. The firefighters said it is best not to allow the water to pool because of mosquitoes.

FOX 5 revisited the facility noting conditions again in January. That report was seen by the chief and the district's councilman.

"I went over there, saw it, saw what was going on. I was in touch with the administration and everyone jumped all over it very quickly," said city council member Mary Norwood. "That station will be replaced…"

While firefighters continue to wait for that fix, they told FOX 5 they have placed old chairs and other debris over the drain to remind themselves to stay away from it.