Fired Fulton County jailer opened doors at inmate's whim, court documents reveal
Fulton County Jail inmate gives order to officer on security breach
An inmate was beaten at the Fulton County Jail because of what a jailer did. Investigators say it was caught on security video. Recently obtained court documents lay out this dangerous scenario.
ATLANTA - From opening up a jail door to cleaning up evidence of a crime, Fulton County investigators say a jail officer played a part in a vicious beating of a prisoner that took place on the fifth floor of the facility.
Gloria Franklin, fired by Sheriff Pat Labat, is facing several criminal counts from the February incident.
Fulton County court documents describe the incident -- captured on security video -- beginning with inmate Frank Hubbert walking over to a call box and directing the detention officer to open a door in the zone where he was housed. And Officer Franklin does as she was told.
"Absolutely not," said Charles Rambo, a retired Fulton County Sheriff’s supervisor. "To open a door and let an inmate go where he wants is totally incompetent and illegal."

(Fulton County Sheriff's Office)
The investigation documents describe Hubbert as being given a homemade weapon, a shank, which he puts in his waistband.
Other inmates walk with Hubbert and begin attacking a prisoner in another zone.
That vulnerable inmate is stabbed, punched, and kicked. The detention officer is present as this takes place. She even has a conversation with Hubbert.
The victim suffered numerous non-serious injuries.

At the conclusion of the attack, investigators say detention officer Franklin walked Hubbert back to his housing zone, opened that door, so he could go back inside.
Among the charges Franklin faces, include violation of oath of office -- a felony.
She is also charged with tampering with evidence. According to the investigation document, Franklin retrieved cleanup supplies and tried to wipe up the blood spilled in the attack.