Firefighters transferred to August Burn Center; 2 released

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One of the six LaGrange firefighters injured while battling a house fire on Labor Day was flown Wednesday to the Joseph M. Still Burn Center in Augusta. Three others are still at Grady Memorial Hospital recovering. The remaining two firefighters, who only suffered minor injuries, returned to work Wednesday.

Firefighters Pere Trujillo and Jordan Avera suffered second-degree burns and Jonathan Williamson and Josh Williams sustained third-degree burns. Jim Ormsby and Sean Guerrero suffered minor injuries. One of the firefighters required a skin graft and two others were scheduled for surgery Thursday.

The fire happened Monday around 2:50 a.m. at a home in the 300 block of Revis Street.

Deputy Fire Chief Brant said the fire flashed on the firefighters, creating a dangerous situation with temperatures reaching well about 1,200 degrees inside the home. The chief said it got so hot, fire hose melted, leaving two of the crew trapped inside without water.

Brant said two people were inside the home when the fire started but they were able to get out.

Pictures taken Monday morning of the house show the four exterior walls still standing but the blaze severely damaged the contents of the interior of the house.

The fire chief said this was the worst fire-related injuries he has seen in his 23-year career. He credits their training for all six being alive.

The origin and cause of the fire remain under investigation.

RELATED: Labor Day house fire injures 6 firefighters