"Don't panic and don't drive": Floyd County sheriff issues snow warning

The Floyd Sheriff's Office has issued the following warning to drivers as snow falls in the area:

"Alright everyone, the snow is here. Don’t panic and don’t drive if at all avoidable," the notice read. "Freezing [temperatures] will remain until at least 10 a.m. tomorrow."

Due to the inclement weather, all county offices, including the courthouse and administrative offices will have a delayed opening of 11 a.m. Tuesday morning.

"Jurors should call the message line for updated information before reporting," the warning continued. "All essential personnel will report as scheduled unless they have made other arrangements with their supervisors. Any employees who will not be able to make it in at 11:00 a.m. due to traveling difficulties or other weather related issues will need to contact their supervisors to make other arrangements."

The sheriff also warns drivers that there have been many reports of ice along roads in rural areas of the county.

Floyd CountyWinter WeatherNews