Flu deaths outpace COVID for first time; level ranked high in Georgia

This flu season is shaping up to be one of the worst in a decade, with nationwide figures showing at least 29 million cases, 370,000 hospitalizations, and 16,000 deaths so far, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Flu deaths surpass COVID deaths

What we know:

Across the nation, the CDC noted that flu deaths have now surpassed COVID-related deaths, as recent years have seen relatively fewer COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations. 

As for the state of Georgia, the Georgia Department of Health reported 3,828 hospitalizations and 55 deaths in the metro area for the week ending Feb. 15. The CDC ranked the state as having a high level of flu cases.

Forty-two states—including Georgia—and the District of Columbia are reporting "very high" or "high" levels of influenza-like illness activity. The South, Southeast, and Midwest regions have been especially hard-hit this flu season.

Only Hawaii and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands have had a minimal number of cases and severity has been ranked low in Alaska, Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands.

Why it is worse this year

What they're saying:

"Because of the variance in flu strains this season, people’s immune systems are struggling harder to fight off the symptoms than they typically would," said Dr. Vikash Modi, a family physician for Piedmont Health.

Health experts also point to a variance in flu strains and low vaccination rates — only about 44% of the population has received their flu shot compared to the CDC’s target of 70%, according to Time magazine — as key factors behind the surge.

Why you should care:

Officials advise that while most flu cases are mild and do not require antiviral drugs, individuals should take precautions. 

These include getting a flu shot, avoiding contact with those who are sick, and practicing frequent hand-washing, especially before meals and touching the face or eyes. Those who become ill are urged to avoid contact with others and seek medical attention if symptoms worsen.

Medical professionals recommend going to the emergency room only if experiencing severe symptoms such as difficulty breathing; bluish lips or face; persistent chest pain; severe muscle weakness; seizures; dehydration (no urine for eight hours); a fever above 104°F that cannot be controlled; fever in any child under 12 weeks of age; or if a fever or cough initially improves but then worsens.

With flu season taking a heavy toll on communities nationwide, health officials emphasize the importance of preventive measures to help mitigate the spread of the virus.
