Former D.A. David McDade files campaign disclosures two years late

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Former Douglas County District Attorney, David McDade, files campaign disclosures for golf course fundraiser two years after the fact.

A week ago former Douglas County district attorney, David McDade, declined to talk with me about his campaign finances; now he has filed campaign disclosure reports with the state Ethics Commission.

A FOX 5 I-Team investigation found Mr. McDade left office as the district attorney in Douglas County in 2014, but failed to file his final campaign disclosure reports, as required by law.

Mr. McDade is now an assistant District Attorney in Fayette County.

We also found Mr. McDade held a golf tournament fundraiser in October of 2013, but failed to report any of the contributions to the state Ethics Commission.

Following our report, Mr. McDade filed two years’ worth of reports that showed all the money he had raised was still in his campaign account. Also, his disclosures show he raised an additional $34,375 during the time of that golf tournament.

The state Ethics Commission is still reviewing his filings and say late penalty fines are a possibility.