Former female recruit for Atlanta fire department files lawsuit, claims she was sexually harassed

A woman who says she was a recruit for the Atlanta fire department is alleging she was sexually harassed repeatedly by an instructor and has filed a lawsuit against the City of Atlanta.

Amber Ellison, 31, says she was accepted in August 2022 as a recruit. She was 1 of 5 female recruits in a class of approximately 21.

Ellison claims one of the instructors, William Jucks, made her the "target of his sexual desires and subjected her to severe and pervasive sexual harassment" after he began instructing her class in February 2023.

The first incident happened after the first class taught by Jucks. Ellison claims that Jucks grabbed her by the wrists and turned her around saying "Turn around and let me get a good look at you." He also allegedly ran his finger from the back of her neck down to her tailbone.

Other accusations include Jucks reportedly saying "I wanna put icing all over you" while putting his fingers in his mouth and commenting several times in class that he was going to take her away and never bring her back.

Additionally, Ellison says Jucks singled her out to demonstrate chest compressions and took advantage of other times to touch her inappropriately.

Ellison says she initially reached out to the department, but she was "scorned and disciplined." She then took her complaint to the City's human resources department where she was allegedly rebuked and scolded for "rocking the boat." The lawsuit claims that HR then worked with the fire department to monitor her actions and coordinate retaliation against her and several members of the fire department took action against her.

According to the lawsuit, Ellison eventually had a severe panic attack and was sent to an emergency room. She was then diagnosed with anxiety disorder by her doctor and told to take two weeks off.

Ellison says she tried to secure additional leave under the Family Medical Leave Act when she became eligible, but was blocked by human resources. Ellison claims that HR would not return her phone calls and refused to speak with her until she was suddenly told that she had been terminated. 

The complaint, which was filed Sept. 11, requests a jury trial. Ellison is seeking back pay, reimbursement of out-of-pocket losses, and statutory damages.

FOX 5 Atlanta reached out to both the City of Atlanta and the fire department, but they have not replied. This story will be updated if they do.