FOX 5 Eyewitness News
At FOX 5, we are committed to bringing our audience the best local news. We have a team of dedicated reporters and photographers that seek out the stories you want to hear, gather information, and share it with the community. But we can't be everywhere in the Atlanta Metro and surrounding areas all at once!
That is why we depend on viewers like you to be eyewitnesses on the scene, sharing your stories with us. From Blairsville to Jasper, Carrollton to Athens, and everywhere in between, we want to see what is going on in your world.
FOX 5 Eyewitness News is an important part of our storytelling on broadcast, web and social media. If something is important to you, we want to know about it!
Did you capture a cool photo during a lightning storm? Is something going on in your local community that we should know about? Or perhaps you captured a video of the traffic stop during morning rush hour to allow a family of geese to cross the road. (Yes, that actually happened!) Please share your stories with us!
There are three main ways to contribute to FOX 5 Eyewitness News:
- Social: Easily alert us by tagging your posts with #FOX5ATL Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for when we make special requests for content with special hashtags, such as #FOX5SNOW. You can also post directly to our Facebook wall.
- Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for when we make special requests for content with special hashtags, such as #FOX5SNOW.
- You can also post directly to our Facebook wall.
- Email: Send an email to
- Call: Give us a call at (404) 898-0100
Thanks for your contributions! We appreciate you so much!