Fruit Stripe gum discontinued after more than 50 years: 'Difficult decision'

The iconic chewing gum Fruit Stripe will be discontinued, its manufacturer Ferrara Foods announced this week.

The candy company, which also produces Red Hots and Runts, told FOX Business that the move was a "difficult decision."

"We have made the difficult decision to sunset Fruit Stripe Gum, but consumers may still be able to find the product at select retailers nationwide," a spokesperson said.

"The decision to sunset this product was not taken lightly, and we considered many factors before coming to this decision, including consumer preferences, and purchasing patterns," the statement continued.

"We are delighted to continue offering many other beloved and iconic brands in our portfolio, including Fun Dip, Gobstopper, Jujyfruits, Fire Ball, Pixy Stix, Chuckles, Runts, Spree, Boston Baked Beans and Bottle Caps!"

The nostalgic candy came out in the 1960s, and has been enjoyed by generations of Americans. 

It is known for its iconic rainbow packaging with a cartoon zebra, and its aptly striped gum sticks.

The "brightly flavored gum" featured watermelon, cherry, lemon, orange and peach flavors, according to Ferrara's website.

Fans of the product took to social media to react to the news.

"A piece of my childhood just died," a Reddit user wrote.

"I'm unreasonably saddened by this news," another Redditor lamented.

Amid the disappointed reactions, many people also criticized the product and claimed the gum lost its flavor quickly.

"I've never been this upset over losing something so mediocre," another Reddit user said.

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